
Mark Rocha - Official

Blog posts : "death"


They’ve started again, dropping bombs for no good
They've started taking lives for their own;
Their beliefs fueled by ignorance – clouded by rage
Just because they feel they’re alone.
Nobody hears them, nobody cares
So they make it their point to be seen,
To put forth their dogmas through the she…

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They are put on this earth, and are taken too soon
To be one of his angels again;
Not knowing the hour when they're called to return,
Now only their memories remain.
Memories of laughter, good times that were shared
Are moments to treasure inside;
Yet so fragile is life, that when our time has come
Those m…

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Of Flames and Frames

Life leaving bodies,
Souls leaving earth;
The wind takes them swiftly
Away from their birth.
The clouds are all scattered,
No sun in the skies;
An old father laughs,
While a young mother cries.

Shadows they dance
To the tune of the flames,
Like a movie through tattered
Old celluloid frames;
And as the light d…

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Close your eyes, relax, forget;
the hand is cold, the hand of death –
the pulse it fades, the music stops to rest ...
you feel it now – damnation at its best.

Injected for the purpose of relief,
infliction of the pain you felt the least;
and down the hall the swinging doors have closed –

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The Jew

The tree was planted firmly
And accompanied by two;
The three all hung together
In the middle was the Jew.
All had a crime committed
But none of them the same;
One had robbed, another killed,
Another said his name.

They had a common father,
Two would soon return;
One would then come back again,
For the other d…

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Final Note

Today at 3 o’clock I’ll die,
I’ll say my last goodbyes.
I’ll go to a place I’ve never seen,
You don’t have to grieve or cry.

Today I’ll leave the world behind,
You will all be free of me;
If I hurt you, you may choose to forgive,
Or you can just let it be.

Today I’ll fly into the sky,
And …

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