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Blog posts : "poetry"

If you met God

If you met God today
What would you say?
What might he look like?
What might He say?

Would you tell him you’re sorry
For the things you’ve done?
For the people you’ve cheated?
For the lies you’ve spun?

Or would you just stare
And say nothing at all?
Scared that at last
The wic…

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I tried to wake her
But she did not move
Paralysed by a sleep
That consumed her. (Shoes
In a corner, near a chair which at night
Came alive dressed in afternoon wear
By the light) -
So I sat by the window
And counted the stars
With no luck cos they blurred
Into nothingness. (Flowers
That …

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They’ve started again, dropping bombs for no good
They've started taking lives for their own;
Their beliefs fueled by ignorance – clouded by rage
Just because they feel they’re alone.
Nobody hears them, nobody cares
So they make it their point to be seen,
To put forth their dogmas through the she…

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They are put on this earth, and are taken too soon
To be one of his angels again;
Not knowing the hour when they're called to return,
Now only their memories remain.
Memories of laughter, good times that were shared
Are moments to treasure inside;
Yet so fragile is life, that when our time has come
Those m…

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In the spirit of love, you enveloped my heart
And you gave me the wings of a bird;
You dusted the scrolls, and wrote out my past
In the words of a song never heard.

A journey that spanned two decades and five
Was a journey to discover my own;
To start at the end, and go back to the start
Just to find I was…

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This void like a whirlpool turns faster than time
Pulling me - deep in the dark;
The longing, anxiety, weighs on my soul
Cutting deeper and leaving its mark.

Silence surrounds what was once filled with joy
Coloured music of laughter and mirth;
But now pale is the memory that covers the shrine
Where a union…

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He remains unclean as long as he has the disease,
And must live outside the camp, away from others.
- Lev 13:46

From whence comes this swelling,
This unwelcome, unannounced guest?
Maybe today and gone tomorrow?
But to the elder I must go,
He shall examine it and make his diagnosis.
For six days I am isolat…

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Gold and Ash

Half a century in days, there's no sage who'd have known
that we'd plot out the stars, and then carve them in stone.
Ebb and flow through the crevices, funnel down glass
slipping silently - clouds, past the earth to the grass -
count the seconds, time flies as we run to the door
dare we walk through to f…

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And she sat there, staring at me –
Eyes black khol
Hair wet cold
I was naked, she was glass.
For the better part of an hour,
We were connected –
Thought mouth word
Sounds not heard
She had lost her mind, I was far from mine;
Cos I dream't I was awake,
But when I woke, I was asleep …

There are some peo…

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Dream Catcher

Suspended in motion, you’ve fallen like a star
And caught in a dream-catcher’s net;
And somewhere between what is real and what’s not
In this river of dreams I am wet.

Swim through the souls of the living
And find what exists -
What is yours what is mine;
Till I stop at your door and I knock,
And I w…

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They saw me, they know
all the questions I fear;
by this pillar I’ll hide – just a while disappear.

In this moment with you
in this moment alone;
while we pour out our hearts – by my pillar of stone.

Let’s escape, run away
both of us, just us two;
as my pillar still stands – let it hide someone ne…

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Close your eyes, relax, forget;
the hand is cold, the hand of death –
the pulse it fades, the music stops to rest ...
you feel it now – damnation at its best.

Injected for the purpose of relief,
infliction of the pain you felt the least;
and down the hall the swinging doors have closed –

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Humble you stand by your father tall,
But you glow with a myriad hue.
Just as free as the others,
Swaying as the winds blow through.

While mother feeds you and brother,
Father gives shelter from sun;
And you stand there suspended in motion,
Bringing joy to little ones.
Till someone takes you and brother,
To …

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Trains And Platforms

Throw me a bone, let me catch it - it's mine, but you threw, it's yours, please don't take it –
oh no, don't you see that you crave it?

Hands wave through the window, smoke swells as it blends -
disappears to the skies in the midst of goodbyes, shattered tear drops in eyes,
'will I see you again?'…

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The Jew

The tree was planted firmly
And accompanied by two;
The three all hung together
In the middle was the Jew.
All had a crime committed
But none of them the same;
One had robbed, another killed,
Another said his name.

They had a common father,
Two would soon return;
One would then come back again,
For the other d…

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Inhale, sweet inhalation
Of harsh grey fog – weathered not.
Bring infestation – internal pleasure.
Breathe heavy, soft breath
A whisper.
Release untimely;
Subtle condensation.

I was sitting at a coffee shop waiting for a friend. Out of the corner of my eye I could see smoke, tracing circles in the ai…

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Lie upon lie, like a widow to a fly;
My need for the truth, I tried to deny.
For somewhere in my mind
I know now for real;
At some point in my life -
My heart you did steal.
But returned it in pieces, and who would've known
That those fragments I've nurtured
Have since turned to stone;
So with feel…

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Is my colour an offence to you?
Do I leave a stain as I touch your white hand?
Is the blood that flows in my veins
black and not red?
Have I no right to live in this land?

Am I any less human than you?
Am I an animal with no mind?
Am I violent without reason,
do I attack without being provoked?
As a…

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All I have is now,
now is where it ends;
an end to sum it all,
what started first as friends.
But soon grew into love,
a love that fell too fast;
an outline of who we were,
now hidden in the past.

I read this poem everytime, and I can't help but realise how true it actually is. Sometimes I wish there rea…

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Final Note

Today at 3 o’clock I’ll die,
I’ll say my last goodbyes.
I’ll go to a place I’ve never seen,
You don’t have to grieve or cry.

Today I’ll leave the world behind,
You will all be free of me;
If I hurt you, you may choose to forgive,
Or you can just let it be.

Today I’ll fly into the sky,
And …

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