
Mark Rocha - Official


Humble you stand by your father tall,
But you glow with a myriad hue.
Just as free as the others,
Swaying as the winds blow through.

While mother feeds you and brother,
Father gives shelter from sun;
And you stand there suspended in motion,
Bringing joy to little ones.
Till someone takes you and brother,
To keep, to share and to show;
And you die for such simple pleasures,
While mother makes room for more.

I wrote this about 5 years ago ... inspiration was varied back then, but I thought about it as I turned a year older the other day - and so I fished it out.
It's self explanatory really; no hidden meaning, but it makes you think. It makes me, at least -  think about family and friends, people you love, and people who help you make memories. We're all like flowers when you think about it. We serve a specific purpose. Some of us are here to fulfill that purpose, and grow into trees leaving a legacy behind; while some get plucked out early - serving some sort of momentary example, before withering away.
It's unfortunate that we can't make a definitive decision as to who we are, and who we'd like to be since life is so uncertain ... but maybe we can work towards it, growing on others if not out growing ourselves.

Humble you stand by your father tall,

But you glow with a myriad hue.

Just as free as the others,

Swaying as the winds blow through.


While mother feeds you and brother,

Father gives shelter from sun;

And you stand there suspended in motion,

Bringing joy to little ones.

Till someone takes you and brother,

To keep, to share and to show;

And you die for such simple pleasures,

While mother makes room for more.

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