
Mark Rocha - Official

Resurrection, exclusively available on Amazon worldwide

After the freebie promo right here on, Resurrection is now exclusively available on Amazon worldwide. "But Mark, didn't you say that you were going to sorta keep Resurrection as a free download forever?" Well, that's the great part about being an Amazon exclusive. If you love reading and are part of the Kindle Unlimited program, then Resurrection is absolutely free to download. Additionally, if you're an Amazon Prime member, you can borrow Resurrection from the lending library for free as well. Availability, however, is limited though, so get it while you can. 

As you can see, this is clearly a very exciting phase in online digital publishing, and it's all still new to me. The book is and always will be available to buy if you're not a part of any of these programs though, so life does not have to be so complicated. Plus, early next year I will be releasing the paperback version through Amazon as well. So if you're the hands-on kind of person, then you can wait for that. Thank you for all the love and support.

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